Conflict Resolution Resources for Athletic Trainers

Conflict is an inevitable part of life, and can be an especially tricky thing to navigate when it appears in the workplace. Conflict resolution is an important skill for any workplace as conflicts can arise between coworkers, between team members and their superiors, and between coworkers and clients.

There are a number of tools you can use to resolve conflict in the workplace and different tactics depending on the situation.

The most important thing to remember when dealing with conflict is to stay calm and avoid getting emotional. This will help you stay focused on resolving the issue at hand rather than taking things personally and letting your feelings get in the way of what needs to be done.

Here are some resources that we’ve found helpful when it comes to resolving conflicts:

Conflict Resolution Resources via NATA


Young Professionals Committee Session on Conflict Resolution (NATA 2017)

Online Courses via MedBridge (Use code “THEATVANTAGE” for $150 off your yearly membership) 

Conflict Management and Resolution: Navigating Conflict Resolution Styles

Soft Skills: Conflict Management and Resolution

Conflict Management and Resolution: Words, Tone, and Body Language

Articles + Good Reads:

14 Conflict Resolution Strategies for the Workplace via Positive Psychology

13 Tools for Resolving Conflict in the Workplace, with Customers and in Life

Books + Audiobooks:

7 Winning Conflict Resolution Techniques: Master Nonviolent and Effective Communication Skills to Resolve Everyday Conflicts in the Workplace, Relationships, Marriage, and Crucial Conversations

Book: The Mindful Guide to Conflict Resolution: How to Thoughtfully Handle Difficult Situations, Conversations, and Personalities


3 ways to resolve a conflict | Dorothy Walker | TED Institute – YouTube

Flowchart via ATvantage:

Remember, it’s inevitable that conflict may occur at some point but being prepared on how to best handle the situation will set you apart as a professional. We encourage you to utilize these resources to sharpen your conflict resolution skills so you can influence the energy of the situation, not adapt to it.

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